top strategies to promote blog

Top 7 Strategies to Promote your blog

Do you Know how you can promote your blog. Why do content creators pursue Blogging? Off course to make money. Money comes from visitors. Visitors come from creating an engaging content and its promotion.

Therefore, creating an engaging content and promoting it is key to success of blogging. Content is what brings readers to your blog, and it’s what keeps them coming back. But it’s not enough to just create content; you need to know how to promote it, too. Here are some strategies for promoting your blogs so you can make more money.

Here we go – Promote Blog

Here I have covered practical and time tested strategies. Let’s read this article and check out my tips.

1. Create Engaging Content

Basic rule to promote and grow your blog is to create an engaging content. High earning bloggers publish engaging and interesting content.

Blogs should be relevant to the topic. Writer has to ensure to add value to his articles. Its language should be simple, plane and easy to read and understand. Make sure to use images, videos and other media to make your content more visually appealing.

Simple steps to write an engaging content

  • Find the problem of users for which they are searching on YouTube, Google, Bing and Quora
  • Do keyword research using any tool like Semrush and Uber Suggest related to your blog
  • Analyze keywords to find relevant ones for your blog.
  • Analyze your competition. Use keywords of low competition and high search volume.
  • Outline your content and also make 3 to 4 variants, then filter your ideas to specific ones.
  • Write your blog, optimize it for keywords, divide its content into introduction, body and conclusion, and add proper sub headings and bullets points. Write short paragraphs.

Start of your blog should be engaging. Here are some tips to write introduction:

  • Introduction of article should be clear in expressing its purpose.
  • Give a complete picture of your blog.
  • Start your blog with question, an interesting fact, or a story.
  • Use short paragraphs to start your blog.

If want to write engaging content, follow my blogs. I have published articles to help you to engage traffic on your words. Here is another article – how to write an engaging blog.

2. Use Social Media to promote your blog

Another way to promote blog is to harness the potential of Social Media. According to an accurate estimate, social media has almost 4.26 billion users. Whereas, 93% of this figure actively uses social media. Just imagine, if you use social media with right strategy then you can get million clicks on your content.

Hence, social media is a great way to promote your content. You can share links of your blog on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. My following tips will help to use social media to reach a larger audience.

  • Join Facebook groups related to niche of your blog. Share your content, answer queries of people, and ask them to share your posts. Now, it is hard to get organic audience from Facebook.
  • Join Quora forums related to your topics, and actively engage with users. Quora is one of best social media sites to grab organic audience. You can brand your blog using Quora. Publish comprehensive answers containing examples, pictures, related links, videos, complete guidance to solve the problem.
  • Pinterest is not just a social media app but it is a search engine just Google. The difference is of nature of content. Infographics, short videos and slide videos work at their best. Create a page of your blogging website on Pinterest. Design infographics and publish them as pins. Whereas, videos are published as idea pins. Group related pins in a single collection. Pins should be attractive, balanced in colour scheme and follow policies of Pinterest.
  • LinkedIn is for professionals, entrepreneurs, writers, bloggers, trainers and business executives. Its algorithm supports personal accounts rather than business pages. To use advantage of LinkedIn is so simple. Just create your personal account, optimize your profile while following account of growing profile in your niche. Regularly share your insights in form of articles. Join groups of professionals and help them out, solve their queries.

I have shared my experience with Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Quora in points mentioned above. If you follow my tips, you can increase engagement with your content. Always remember: consistency is key to success

3. Utilize SEO to Optimize your Blog

Ultimate goal of a blogger is to rank his content in search engine result page (SERP). Page ranking depends on many factors like keywords, well-written content, use of images and videos, loading time of blog, page speed, back links, and domain authority etc.

SEO means search engine optimization. SEO refers to a set of techniques, which convince a search engine to index and rank a page. It comprises of on page and off page. On-page SEO comes up with optimizing blog. Whereas, off-page SEO covers all technical aspects of website like page speed, coding, responsiveness, designing, development etc.

If you have implemented all techniques of SEO, you can get more readers to your blog. Therefore, I am sharing some strategies for optimizing your site.

  • Use keywords and phrases related to your topic in your blog posts. They help in ranking on SERP page.
  • You can also use SEO plugins to optimize your content for search engines. Plugins save your much time. All in one SEO and Rank Math Pro are my recommendations. These plugins also perform off-page SEO.
  • Use headings, short paragraphs, table of contents and connecting words in your post.
  • Avoid keywords stuffing and use LSI keywords. Use concept of keywords proximity to reduce keyword density to optimum level.

4. Create Email Newsletters for Conversions

Email newsletters are a great way to promote your content. They keep readers engaged. Whenever, a blogger publishes new article, his user gets update via email.

It is better to automate lead generation and newsletter. I recommend Convert pro, Mail Chimp and Optin Monster plugins. You can now create and send out newsletters to your subscribers.

Use newsletter pop-ups to get email addresses from visitors. Add them in your list then command any newsletter service provider to automate email generation and sending.

Whenever a blogger goes with newsletter, he needs to devise any effective email marketing campaign. Here is our detailed article on this topic. How to create an effective email marketing campaign?

Here are some dos for newsletter:

  • Make your newsletter concise but comprehensive.
  • Also, add infographics to convey your message.
  • Offer discounts and coupons to your readers and include offers in your newsletter. These offers might include web hosting, WordPress plugins, event related offers (Easter, Eid, Dewali), international days’ offers etc.
  • Include links of your latest blog posts in the newsletters. It will encourage readers to check out your new content.
  • Send newsletter email after a week or 2 weeks. Most frequent email newsletter usually annoy readers.

5. Leverage Influencers to Build your brand

Influencers can be a great way to get more eyes on your content. Influencers have great fan following on Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and Instagram.  With their help and shoot out campaigns, your content can get thousands of new fans within days.

Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to share your content with their followers. This will help you reach a larger audience. It will brand your content. It will also increase engagement.

Influencers are available in less budget. This option is often more cost effective than paid marketing on social media.

6. Participate in Podcasts and Interviews

Next strategy to promote your content is interviews and podcast. People usually watch interviews on Facebook and YouTube. Podcasts and interviews can be an effective way to promote your content.

You can reach out to podcast hosts and bloggers in your niche and ask them if you can be a guest on their show or blog. This method will give you a larger audience. You can build relationships with influencers in your field.

For this purpose, sign up to YouTube, then setup your own channel. Publish videos related to your blog. Never forget to add link of article in description of your video. Do this consistently. With passage of time, you will have unique presence and you will have your own fan following. YouTube channel is free with complete organic growth to build your brand.

7. Focus on Organic Growth

Organic growth is essential part of promoting content. No doubt, paid advertisement and sponsorship give fast growth. However, organic growth ensures long term branding.

  • Publish your content consistently.
  • Keep going and never stop

Last Words

These are just some strategies for promoting your blog. Make sure to use a combination of these strategies to maximize your reach and engagement. With the right strategy, you can create content that will be successful and engaging with your target audience.

In my articles, I provide useful tips and strategies of organic growth of your content. These strategies are based on my experiences and mistakes.

Current blog is about how to promote your content over the internet. You can also check out our article how you can make money when you have writing skills,

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