
Top 25 Marketing Tactics To Boost Your Sales Online

The online marketplace is becoming increasingly competitive every single day. Whether you’re a brick-and-mortar looking to expand your business in the online space, or a dropshipping business, here are some tried and tested strategies that can help you exponentially increase your sales online.

25 Marketing Tactics To Boost Your Sales Online

Here we go. Let’s take a bird’s eye view of marketing tactics to boost sales using internet channels.

Optimised Website For SEO

The first step is to optimise your website for SEO so that it shows on the search engine result pages (SERPs). Not only is it an effective way to generate traffic organically, if your website appears on the front page of Google or any other search engine, chances of people clicking on your link and considering you an authority also increases.

This generates trust in your potential buyer before they even open your website.

Social Proof

Humans are social animals with a strong tribal instinct and one of the best ways to persuade people into buying from you is to provide social proof. This is done with the help of testimonials, reviews and now UGC or user generated content.

Think of it this way, if you ever want to order something for yourself from an online store, who will you trust more? The product that has got reviews or the product without any all.

Social Media for Content Marketing

Having a social media account helps you reach a wider audience as they have tons of followers and several people use these websites to search for products online.

This is why having a solid content marketing strategy in place can help you multiply your sales. In fact, a lot of small businesses solely depend on organic traffic via social media websites to support them initially.

Influencer Marketing

Using social media influencers is a great way to broadcast your product to a wide audience and provide social proof.

This is why multinational companies such as Coca Cola or Pepsi have been traditionally using footballers, cricketers, singers etc. to promote their products.

Paid Advertisement Including Facebook, Instagram and Google ads

While generating traffic organically can be time consuming and dependent on the platform’s algorithms, one of the quickest methods to reach more people is through paid ads on social media websites and Google.

More audience means more leads and as long as your sales copy is on point, it can easily convert them into paying clients.

Authenticity and Honesty

Always walk the talk. The market sophistication levels are super high and people can identify false, flashy gimmicks from miles away. This is why it is essential to not create false hype in your copy. 

Be authentic and honest in providing information about your product. Even if sales go up initially because of the hype, people will get to know where your product really stands and if it does not deliver what you have promised, nobody will buy from you again. Reputation matters in the online space.

Direct Response Principles for Effective Copy

A good copy is essential for boosting your sales. It should include handling any objections your potential clients may have while explaining why people need your product and what makes it better from the other options available in the market.

A good product description focusing on benefits over features always trumps generic, boring descriptions.

A/B Testing to Maximise Results

Always split tests to optimise your sales funnel. This includes testing captions, price points, calls-to-action, opt-ins, upsells, downsells, packages and promotions.

See what attracts your customer best and then double down on it.

Optimised Website For Mobile Phone Users

This one should be obvious but for some reasons, a large number of companies do not optimise their website for mobile phone users which greatly compromises the number of sales they could have made otherwise.

Provide user friendly interface, quick upload time and have a sales representative present to answer any queries that the user may have.

A lot of companies now not only use chatbots for this purpose, but also focus on training them to make the interaction as human as possible.

Consistent Brand Image Across All Touch Points

Have you ever seen an attractive ad but when you clicked on the link, the website seemed to be completely off and irrelevant? This is exactly what you need to avoid.

Whether it’s your social media presence, website, ad or emails, your brand tone and voice needs to remain the same in order to build trust with your audience.

Voice of Customer

One of the best ways to build rapport with your target audience is to copy the way they talk. 

Using the same words and phrases as your target audience resonates with them, making them choose you over your competitors.

Decoy Pricing

Decoy pricing or price tiering is another way to push your audience towards purchasing the product or package you want them to buy most.

This is done by introducing a higher priced product in the list.

Studies have shown that when given a choice of selecting from cheap or expensive items, people usually go for choosing mid-ranged products.

Customer Experience

Enhancing customer experience can be one of the most deciding factors why people prefer your ecommerce store over others. 

This can be done by improving customer services, having a user friendly website, easy return policy, 24×7 sales representative, either human or chatbot, available etc.

Multiple Payment Options

Not everyone has a Visa card or Mastercard. Making different payment options available increases the chances of making sure that the customers buy from you before they have a chance to change their minds.

Having payment plans in place can also help if the products are mid to high ticket.

Engaging With Clients On Social Media

Engaging with potential or previous clients online on your social media posts makes them feel heard and seen and improves their overall positive experience with your business, ultimately leading to repeat buys and more sales.

Analytics Analysis

Always pay attention to data and see what helps you best. Use analytic tools to see where you get maximum conversions or where you lose your traffic and then adjust accordingly.

For example, perhaps you are getting good click through rates on your emails or ads but are not getting any sales. You need to see if you lose your potential customers on the landing page or the check out page and optimise your sales funnel accordingly.


Opt-ins can be a great tool to collect data of your potential audience and also helps in retargeting clients that showed interest in your products but did not buy from your ecommerce store.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best cost effective ways to sell your offers online, promote new products or retarget potential clients. All you need is an email list from the opt-ins or you can buy these lists and are good to go. No expensive ads required.

Buyer Personas

One of the best ways to get more clients to buy from you, is by studying the customers you already have.

Study data to create buyer personas and try to target other people similar to your existing clients because they have the highest chances of buying your products.


This is a part of a good copy and helps boost your sales online by giving the customers a reason to buy from you right now instead of later.

Psychology says that the more time people have to think about it, the least likely they are to take any action.

Having real urgency can help increase your sales as the clients know that your offer is for a limited time only and once the opportunity is gone, it is least likely to come back again, thus motivating them to buy on the spot.

Risk Aversion

Human beings do not like to take risks. Most of us have simply been wired this way since the caveman days.

One of the best ways to reduce this risk for your potential customers is to offer a money-back guarantee for your products.

Abandoned Cart Sequences

Have abandoned cart email sequences in place for those who shopped through your online store but did not buy.

You can offer them discounts, or handle their objections or create urgency to persuade them into buying from your ecommerce store.

Special discounts, promotions and packages

Have relevant discounts, promotions or packages in place and offer cross-sells, upsells or downsells to customers in order to maximise your sales and increase your profits.

For example, a person buying shampoo can be offered a hair conditioner at a discounted price or as a hair care package complete with a hair oil.

Professional Photos Of Products

Always get the photos of your products done professionally or use apps that help take classy and professional looking photos.
Professional looking photos always help set you apart from other businesses and build your authority leading to more trust and more sales.

Limited Choices

Surprisingly, research suggests that offering fewer choices helps more in increasing sales online as compared to overwhelming potential clients with a huge pool of offers.

Overwhelmed customers tend to delay buying and often leave without buying anything.


Running an online business is a difficult task but these are some proven ways that can increase online sales and have been advocated by most successful entrepreneurs in the online world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I optimise my website for SEO?

You can research keywords for SEO and use those keywords in your website copy or hire an SEO consultant to do the job for you.

I have just begun my online business and don’t have testimonials yet. What should I do?

Either give a small sample of your products for free in return for a testimonial or use PR packages to get influencers to vouch for you.
Also try using UGC as it is the hottest trend in the market right now showing most favorable results.

How does influencer marketing work?

You select an influencer in your niche and send them a PR package and they advertise your products in return. Sometimes money is also involved.

Do I need to learn how to write my own ads or product descriptions for my online business?

No. This is the job of a copywriter who is trained in the art of persuasive writing.

Do I run social media ads myself?

Digital marketing experts can help you set up and run your ads. In fact, they can set up your entire automated sales funnel and then you only need to keep on monitoring it for results or 
you can task them with it.

Is it important to split test my sales funnel?

Yes. Always test to gain maximum results or else you might be unnecessarily leaving money on the table.

What if people buy the higher end product after decoy pricing?

It’s a win.

What does opt-in mean?

It means that the audience enters their email address or phone numbers in exchange for a lead magnet.
Ecommerce stores usually get this information right before checkout.

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