Long gone is the era when humans were the only beings capable of thinking and producing. Now, robots are designed to think and communicate in the same way humans do, if not better. With the rapid advancement in science and technology, the time when artificial intelligence (AI) products perform all the tasks of the world is not too far.
Now, what is something worth if it can’t help us pay the bills, right? Well, today I will guide you on how you can make money by utilizing the most advanced aspect of the current generation. Before we dive into the different ways to cash machine learning (ML) and AI as a freelancer, let’s discuss how these two differ from one another.
If you search the internet, read textbooks, and access different sources, you will find many different definitions of machine learning and AI. Some say ML is a subset of AI, others say it’s the other way around. Some say that ML is the entry of data to produce results while others say AI is the self-learning ability of machines. All in all, they are all right. To be concise, AI is a part of ML and ML is a part of AI and neither exists without the other.
Teaching ML and AI to others
I’ve always believed that the best way to learn is to teach. And in this case, you make a few bucks by indirectly learning, so it’s a win-win situation!
Tutoring others, especially in complex fields such as ML and AI can be quite tricky. There are things that need to be told again and again, and day and night practice is required. I mean, only someone who learned ML and AI knows how tough it can be. To do this, there are a number of ways that can be adopted:
Create a YouTube channel
Online teaching allows a freelancer to grasp a wide range and variety of audiences. Local and international students can get aid from your remote teaching. Moreover, creating AI and ML videos and uploading them not only saves you from the hassle of interactive teachings, direct Q&A sessions, and being interrupted during a session, but it also allows viewers to watch one segment again and again. This helps them grasp the concept and perform on their ends easily.
Offer short courses
Not everyone has the time or energy to sign up for year-long courses. You can offer short ML and AI courses of 3 to 6 months where you can cover the basic and general concepts. Set a fee and define your offerings, while making sure to give out certificates at the end of the course.
Creating an AI-developed application
One of the best ways to earn money through freelancing is by customizing someone’s needs. Know that you are the expert in your field and you are providing a service to someone who doesn’t have as much knowledge.
People need applications for almost everything these days. Whether they want to track their diet, stay hydrated, or find someone to date, they instantly go to the Play Store/App Store and search for an application to fulfill their needs.
However, the majority of users get disappointed when they don’t find exactly what they are looking for. This is when they look to hire someone who can design an app for them using ML and AI.
This situation applies not only to individuals but to departments and companies as well. New applications are being developed every day, and because ML and AI are one of the hardest domains, there isn’t much saturation in the field. If you land a job like this, you’ve basically hit the jackpot!
Create a Chatbot
We’ve seen since the past year how chatbots have taken over as listeners and speakers. ChatGPT, Jasper AI, and many other chatbots not only answer our questions but also talk to us at times. For example, Snapchat developed an AI that speaks in all different languages, answers scientific questions, and talks to humans as if it understands them.
The developers know that humans do not share everything with one another due to the fear of being judged and being left alone. That is why they talk to these robots. You can always design something like this using ML and AI that will shift the world!
Create a webpage of codes
Honestly speaking here, AI and ML are no piece of cake. Even the most basic of codes require guidance and assistance. People search all over the internet going from one YouTube tutorial to another before finally landing on the code they need. This causes them to spend 1 hour for one line of code which is quite a hassle.
If you are a freelancer, you can create a webpage where you can upload all types of programming codes, from the most basic to the most advanced, depending on your expertise. This will not only gain traffic and monetize your webpage, but people from around the world will know that you are a coder who can help them. They will ask you for specific codes for which you can charge them as a freelancer.
Offer various services
ML and AI aren’t just about coding and developing. It is also about observing and analyzing, and fixing and updating. As a freelancer, you can offer many different services to people in need. You can offer them to fix a technical fault, look into logical and syntax errors, or simply update their windows to the newer version. Remember, you are the expert. Tell the world that!
Every field has its pros and cons. making money with machine learning and AI as a freelancer just happens to be an advancing way these days. Now that you know that ML and AI is a way to make good money, you can create your own business from scratch. If you’re new to the field, start by grasping the basic concepts and specializing in one specific domain. Then, adopt these ways to earn money!
How much money can I make through AI and ML freelancing?
This is a totally varying question. Depending on your field of expertise and the route you’ve taken for earning, the money will vary. While some people make millions through YouTube channels and monetized web pages, others make a decent living by developing applications. Some other people might be earning well by lining up orders on Upwork and Fiverr.
How long will it take to start earning through AI and ML freelancing?
I would be lying if I said that AI and ML businesses earn right off the bat. Even though it is the most advanced field of the era, it takes time and effort just like any other business does. Moreover, I would highly suggest not depending on only one strategy. While you’re waiting on your webpage to gain traffic, try putting up ads for short courses.
What is the most profitable way to make money through AI and ML freelancing?
There are many ways other than the ones mentioned above. For beginners, you can start learning the process while creating general blogs like this one. On an advanced level, you can use ads to monetize blogs and channels.