popularize your blog

How to Popularize Your Blog in 7 Easy Steps

Blogging isn’t easy. Those who do it as a business and those who do it as a hobby may have different ulterior motives, but their ladder to success contains the same steps. Whether you hire somebody to write a blog for your website or do the energy-consuming thinking and typing on your own, you’ve invested something in yourself. And that, my friends, deserves to be seen by the public.

Let’s walk through 7 easy steps on how to popularize your blog so it gets the traffic it deserves. If done right and given the time it needs, you may even be able to monetize your work. So, it’s a win-win situation!

Make sure your blog is worthy of promoting

In order to popularize your blog, the first step is to make it internet-worthy. It needs to emit the aura of attraction that compels people to give it a read. That’s what’ll decide if your content deserves the promotion you’re giving it. 

Your blog must be engaging. If your writing is creating a spell around reader, your content is worthy. Don’t worry I have strategies how you can bind your readers around you. Here is an article on writing an eye catchy content.

For that, there are a few simple strategies one can adopt, creating a website audit being one of them. In addition to that, your website and web hosting plan plays an important role here, so make sure it’s enough to handle the increasing traffic.

The first thing to pay attention to is the content of your article. Long gone are the times when keyword stuffing and AI tools could help rank a lousy blog with no spark. Sure, even now, that may help you rank an article or two at the start of your blogging career, but soon enough, Google is going to come back right at you with your writing pieces on the tip of a baseball bat. Engaging content not only drags traffic, it keeps it constant.

Pay attention to SEO

In this step, you have to think of yourself as a reader rather than a blogger. If you were the audience currently on Google, what would your search query be for a specific blog to pop up? Knowing what your audience wants to read and writing exactly that sincerely for them is an important part of making your content viral.

Another important factor in SEO is a compelling meta description. Briefly and efficiently describe what your post intends to portray in words that will persuade the reader to click on and read your post. Lastly, don’t forget to include the search query in the URL and title tag of your web post.

Research your audience

This may be closely related to the content being written, optimized, published and shared on different social media. This is where keyword research and something bloggers call ‘stick to the blog’ comes in. Make sure you’re writing about something people actually want to read.

For instance, tech gadgets are quite popular these days and people search the internet to get a know-how of these gadgets before actually buying them. Just make sure one of the articles they read is yours!

Another thing to keep in mind is the mind map of your post. Bloggers tend to deviate from their actual topic while creating their content. For example, this post is solely to construct ideas of how to popularize and increase reach to your blog. If I steer off in a direction that’ll attempt to teach you the basics of a blog, I am bound to lose your interest as fast as I get it, if not faster.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an undeniable tool in the world of blogging. With new platforms emerging from time to time, articles, web posts and other text based content can be shared anywhere and everywhere. And what’s the best thing about social media marketing? It’s totally free!

However, just copy-pasting your post link and sharing it with everyone on your list isn’t gonna do the trick. You are gonna have to spend a few minutes coming up with curated content to efficiently describe your blog before sharing it to digital media.

Not many readers enjoy having to open a blog just to know what it’s about. Believe me, the few minutes spent writing a curated description help you get the clicks you need. 

Email Marketing

Apart from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, promoting your work through emails also proves helpful. Even though it is the least used, believed and time proven method for creating a community of your blog. Email newsletter works better than you think. 

In fact, a lot of awareness is spread through email marketing especially if your blog contains the right content for the right person. All you have to do is find that person and then email them!

Engage with the audience

An audience is attracted to those who put in an effort for them. And by putting in an effort, I mean interacting with them. Replying to every comment made on your blog post not only thrills the audience but also gives you a chance to see what is going on in their mind. 

Pay attention to the comments made by your audience as some may even contain a few shortcomings they noticed in your post that you may work on in your future articles. Despite what people believe about bloggers losing their value by being so direct with their audience, interacting with them one on one brings much positive traffic.

That being said, there is no bound for a blogger to comment on another influencer’s web post. This actually proves as a good strategy. Having another influencer comment on your post as you did theirs might bring in more clicks than ever before.

Advertise your blog 

Even though there are many ways to popularize your blog in ways that are free, you might want to spend a few bucks to gain instant traffic. One of the fastest ways to get your blog on the SERP is through PPC campaigns. 

For this strategy, there are several advertising methods that will get you the clicks you are looking for:

  • Google Ads: Specific keywords relating to your niche will cause the link to your articles, posts and websites to pop up on Google and YouTube the minute they are entered in the search bar.
  • Facebook and Twitter Ads: These platforms allow you to use locations, interests, and demographics to target specific audiences that will help reach those who are already willing to read it, and raise curiosity to those who have just learned about it.


Popularizing a blog and building a community around it takes just as much time and effort as creating it. Using these methods the right way and by taking help from a few powerful tools will give your content an extra boost. Now that you are aware of the strategies to adopt, don’t be afraid to start from scratch. Take one step at a time and be patient by trusting the process.

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